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In view of the increasing quest for environmental management in businesses, this book provides a good reference to firms to understand how they may manage their supply chains to improve business and environmental performance.
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In a fast moving world the transportation of goods is expected to be more efficient than ever before.
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Logistics, Supply Chain and Operations Management Case Study Collection is a rich and varied compilation of relevant case studies from across logistics, supply chain management and operations. It contains real-life scenarios from leading companies including Volvo, Vortex, Honda of America, Green Cargo and Swedish Transport Administration. It includes a foreword by Martin Christopher.
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E-logistics serves as the nerve system for the whole supply chain and enables smooth information flow within and between organizations. This contributed book focuses on the strategic role of e-logistics in today’s dynamic global environment.
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This book lays the foundations for quality modeling and analysis in the context of supply chains through a synthesis of the economics, operations management, as well as operations research/management science literature on quality. The reality of today’s supply chain networks, given their global reach from sourcing locations to points of demand, is further challenged by such issues as the growth in outsourcing as well as the information asymmetry associated with what producers know about the quality of their products and what consumers know.
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This textbook presents global supply chain and operations management from a comprehensive perspective, combining value creation networks and interacting processes.
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Supply chain management is a well-developed area. The traditional supply chains are dynamic systems which include the forward and reverse flows of physical products and the related information and fund.
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Aviation Logistics looks at the function of the air cargo business and its role in global supply chains and logistics. As global economies are constantly evolving, the supply chain business with its transport partners must be proactive for the future. Technology and its resulting efficiency and transparency are therefore a central part of this book.
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Focusing on the design of robust value-creating supply chain networks (SCN) and key strategic issues related to the number; location, capacity and mission of supply chain facilities (plants, distribution centers) – as well as the network structure required to provide flexibility and resilience in an uncertain world – this book presents an innovative methodology for SCN reengineering that can be used to significantly improve the bottom line of supply chain dependent businesses.
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Rapid changes in business along with better informed customers threaten the traditional sales and procurement process. Thousands of sales and procurement people are threatened with extinction, yet all is not destined to be doom and gloom. A new way of partnering between these two roles can, in fact, create significant value for both organizations.